We are aware that some online vendors are selling fake sluffa merchandise. Because we know how much exclusivity means to our fans we encourage you to please use our Merch authenticator to confirm the legitimacy of any serial number contained on our products except Sluffa Bakery Takery Cakes. Not a single Sluffa item sells that isn't registered in our database with photo id's of customers who purchased our merch so its easy to verify authenticity.


6 Series Television show that's Highly everything, Sensitive to anything that challenges the status quo? then this isn't your Television show. It isn't just highly rated funny it's everything.

Knitted oversized Sluffa Sweater $395.00 but sold out


You do pay in order to watch Sluffa but money doesn’t stop an idiot from watching something. Keep your money because if you don’t ace the questionnaire below the creators don’t want it anyway. Why do you want to watch this series in the first place? Pass and pay we don’t want anyone who can’t pass the test to own VHS, DVD, or digital media copies of this series. For example don’t even bother taking the questionnaire if you don’t like this simple soft statement right here “ people are very much so full of shit including yourself and I”